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CRPF Sub Inspector & Assistant Sub Inspector Admit Card 2023

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CRPF Sub Inspector & Assistant Sub Inspector Admit Card 2023

केंद्रीय रिजर्व पुलिस बल सीआरपीएफ में समूह "बी" और "सी" गैर-मंत्रालयी, अराजपत्रित, लड़ाकू सिग्नल स्टाफ के पद के लिए भर्ती [सब इंस्पेक्टर (रेडियो ऑपरेटर/क्रिप्टो/तकनीकी/सिविल) और एएसआई (तकनीकी/ड्राफ्ट्समैन) -2023)] से आवेदन आमंत्रित किए गए हैं | पुरुष / महिला उम्मीदवार जो आमतौर पर भारत के निवासी हैं उम्मीदवार कर सकते हैं | केवल एक पद के लिए आवेदन करें(एक से अधिक पदों के लिए अनेक आवेदन देय होंगे																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																															

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The Central Reserve Police Force will conduct an open competitive Test for recruitment of Indian citizens to the post of Group “B” and “C” non ministerial, non gazetted, combatised Signal staff as per the Recruitment Rules/Scheme formulated by the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA). 

CRPF Sub Inspector & Assistant Sub Inspector Admit Card 2023

1. What are the Name of post #CRPF 2023 ?

  • CRPF Sub Inspector & Assistant Sub Inspector Recruitment 2023

  • Recruitment for the post of Group “B” and “C” non ministerial, non gazetted, combatised Signal staff in CRPF [Sub Inspector (Radio Operator/ Crypto/ Technical/Civil) & ASI (Technical/Draughtsman)-2023)]

2. What are the full form #CRPF ?

  • #CRPF - Central Reserve Police Force

  • केंद्रीय रिजर्व पुलिस बल

3. What are the Important Date of CRPF Sub Inspector & Assistant Sub Inspector Recruitment 2023?

  • Online Apply Start Date: 01.05.2023

  • Online Apply Last Date: 21.05.2023

  • Admit Card Download Date - 17.06.2023

  • CRPF Computer Based Written Test - 24.06.2023-25.06.2023

4. Who can apply for CRPF Sub Inspector & Assistant Sub Inspector Recruitment 2023?

  1. Both Male & female candidate.

Candidates are advised to refer to the notification before applying for the posts.
उम्मीदवारों को सलाह दी जाती है कि वे पदों के लिए आवेदन करने से पहले अधिसूचना देखें।

5. What are the Advertisement No. of CRPF Sub Inspector & Assistant Sub Inspector Recruitment 2023?

  • Advt. No.- Group “B” and “C” 2023

6. What are the Age Limit of CRPF Sub Inspector & Assistant Sub Inspector Recruitment 2023?

Upto 25.01.2023

  • Minimum : 18 -21 Years

  • Maximum : 25-30 years

  • Read the Notification.

Age Relaxation Extra as per Recruitment Rules 2023.  

7. What are the Application Fee of CRPF Sub Inspector & Assistant Sub Inspector Recruitment 2023?

  • ₹200/-for Sub Inspector (Group-‘B’) and ₹100/- for Asst. Sub Inspector (Group-‘C’) General/OBC/EWS & All Candidate.

  • ₹0/- for SC/ST/Ex-servicemen and Female Candidate.

8. What are the Educational Qualification of CRPF Sub Inspector & Assistant Sub Inspector Recruitment 2023?

  1. Sub-Inspector(RO) -Bachelor degree or equivalent from a recognized University with Mathematics, Physics, or Computer Science as subjects.

  2. Sub-Inspector (Crypto) -Bachelor degree or equivalent from a recognized University with Mathematics and Physics as subjects.

  3. Sub-Inspector (Technical)- B.E./B.Tech or Equivalent in Electronics or Telecommunication or Computer Science as main subject Or Qualified Associate Member of the Institution of Engineers or Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers.

  4. Sub-Inspector (Civil) (Male only)- Intermediate with three years diploma in Civil Engineering from a recognized Board/Institution or University or equivalent.

  5. Assistant Sub Inspector (Technical)- Essential 10TH Class pass from recognized Board with three years diploma in Radio Engineering or Electronics or Computers, from a recognized Institute. Or BSc. Degree with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics from a recognized University. Desirable Preference shall be given to persons having training in Software or Hardware computers.

  6. Assistant Sub Inspector (Draughtsman)- Pass in Matric with English, General Science and Mathematics from a recognized board with three years diploma in Draughtsman Course (Civil/ Mechanical Engineering) from a Govt. recognized Polytechnic.

Candidates are advised to refer to the notification before applying for the posts.

उम्मीदवारों को सलाह दी जाती है कि वे पदों के लिए आवेदन करने से पहले अधिसूचना देखें।

9. What are the Mode of selection CRPF Sub Inspector & Assistant Sub Inspector Recruitment 2023?

  • Written Exam (CBT),

  • Skill Test,

  • Physical Standard Test,

  • Documents Verification and

  • Detailed Medical Examination(DME)

10. How many post of CRPF Sub Inspector & Assistant Sub Inspector Recruitment 2023?


  • Sub-Inspector(RO) - 19

  • Sub-Inspector (Crypto) - 7

  • Sub-Inspector (Technical) - 5

  • Sub-Inspector (Civil) (Male) -20

  • Assistant Sub-Inspector (Technical) - 146

  • Assistant Sub-Inspector (Draughtsman) - 15

11. What is the official website to apply for CRPF Sub Inspector & Assistant Sub Inspector Recruitment 2023?

12. When will the Exam held of CRPF Sub Inspector & Assistant Sub Inspector Recruitment 2023?

  • CRPF Computer Based Written Test - 24.06.2023-25.06.2023

CRPF Sub Inspector & Assistant Sub Inspector Recruitment 2023 | CRPF PAY SCLAE

The Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) typically follows the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC) for salary and allowances of its personnel.

The 7th CPC had recommended an increase in the basic pay of CRPF personnel, along with other allowances such as Dearness Allowance (DA), House Rent Allowance (HRA), and Transport Allowance (TA). The pay scale of CRPF personnel is revised periodically based on the recommendations of the CPC and other factors.

It is likely that the CRPF pay scale for 2022 will be announced based on the recommendations of the 7th CPC and other relevant factors at the appropriate time. You can check the official website of the CRPF or the Ministry of Home Affairs for updates on this matter.


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