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Uttar Pradesh JEECUP Syllabus 2023

JEECUP syllabus

Uttar Pradesh JEECUP syllabus | JEECUP syllabus

The Joint Entrance Examination Council Uttar Pradesh (JEECUP), also known as UP Polytechnic, is an entrance exam conducted for admission into various diploma courses in polytechnic colleges in Uttar Pradesh, India. The syllabus for JEECUP consists of the following subjects:

1. Mathematics:

- Algebra

- Coordinate Geometry

- Calculus

- Trigonometry

- Statistics and Probability

- Mathematical Reasoning

2. Physics:

- Measurement

- Motion in one dimension

- Laws of Motion

- Work, Power, and Energy

- Motion in two dimensions

- Gravitation

- Properties of Matter

- Heat and Thermodynamics

- Oscillations and Waves

- Electrostatics

- Current Electricity

- Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism

- Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents

- Electromagnetic Waves

- Optics

- Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation

- Atoms and Nuclei

- Electronic Devices

- Communication Systems

3. Chemistry:

- Atomic Structure

- Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure

- States of Matter

- Chemical Thermodynamics

- Solutions

- Equilibrium

- Redox Reactions and Electrochemistry

- Chemical Kinetics

- Surface Chemistry

- Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties

- General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Metals

- Hydrogen

- S-Block Elements

- P-Block Elements

- D- and F-Block Elements

- Coordination Compounds

- Basic Concepts of Organic Chemistry

- Hydrocarbons

- Organic Compounds Containing Halogens, Oxygen, Nitrogen

- Polymers

- Biomolecules

- Chemistry in Everyday Life

- Environmental Chemistry

JEECUP syllabus 2023

JEECUP syllabus 2023


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