NHPC is a premier hydropower generation company in India. It is engaged in the construction, operation, and maintenance of hydroelectric power plants. NHPC periodically conducts recruitment drives to hire talented individuals for various positions, including Junior Engineers.
To stay updated with NHPC recruitment notifications and job opportunities, you should regularly visit the official NHPC website (www.nhpcindia.com) or keep an eye on prominent employment news portals and job websites in India.
When NHPC announces Junior Engineer vacancies, they typically release a detailed notification outlining the eligibility criteria, educational qualifications, age limit, selection process, and application procedure. The recruitment process for NHPC Junior Engineer positions may involve the following steps:
Notification Release: NHPC will issue an official notification specifying the details of the recruitment, including the number of vacancies, eligibility criteria, and application process.
Application Submission: Interested candidates meeting the eligibility criteria can submit their applications through the prescribed mode, which is usually online. They will be required to provide their personal details, educational qualifications, work experience (if applicable), and other relevant information as per the instructions in the notification.
Admit Card: NHPC will release the admit cards for eligible candidates to appear in the selection process. The admit card will contain details regarding the date, time, and venue of the examination or interview.
Written Examination: NHPC may conduct a written examination to assess the candidates' knowledge and aptitude related to the Junior Engineer position. The exam may include subjects like technical knowledge, general aptitude, reasoning, and English language skills.
Interview: Shortlisted candidates from the written examination (if applicable) may be called for a personal interview. The interview is conducted to evaluate the candidates' technical knowledge, problem-solving skills, and suitability for the role of Junior Engineer.
Document Verification: After the interview, the selected candidates will be required to undergo document verification. They need to provide the necessary documents and certificates to validate their educational qualifications, age, category (if applicable), and other relevant details mentioned in the application.
Final Selection: The final selection of candidates will be based on their performance in the written examination, interview, and document verification. NHPC will release a merit list or selection list containing the names of the successful candidates.
It's important to note that the specific details of the NHPC Junior Engineer recruitment process may vary for each hiring cycle. Therefore, it is recommended to refer to the official NHPC website or the official notification for the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding the recruitment process for Junior Engineers.
NHPC Junior Engineer Recruitment 2023
1. What are the Name of post #NHPC 2023?
NHPC Junior Engineer Recruitment
NHPC Junior Engineer Recruitment
2. What are the Important Date of NHPC Junior Engineer Recruitment 2023 ?
Online Registration Start Date: 09.06.2023 (10:00 Am)
Online Registration Last Date: 30.06.2023 (11:55 Pm)
Exam Date: Read Schedule.
Admit Card Available : Before Exam
3. Who can apply for NHPC Junior Engineer Recruitment 2023 ?
Both Male and Female candidate.
Candidates must have passed Diploma & 12th.
Candidates are advised to refer to the notification before applying for the posts.
उम्मीदवारों को सलाह दी जाती है कि वे पदों के लिए आवेदन करने से पहले अधिसूचना देखें।
4. What are the Advertisement No. NHPC Junior Engineer Recruitment 2023 ?
Advertisement No.-01/2023 For NHPC
Advertisement No.-11/2023 For THDC
5. What are the Age Limit of NHPC Junior Engineer Recruitment 2023 ?
UPTO 07.06.2023
Maximum Age: N/A Years
Maximum Age: 27 Years For #THDC
Maximum Age: 30 Years For #NHPC
Age Relaxation Extra as per Recruitment 2023 Rules.
6. What are the Application Fee of NHPC Junior Engineer Recruitment 2023 ?
Candidates belonging to General, EWS & OBC (NCL) category are required to pay a nonrefundable fee of Rs.295/- (including GST @ 18%) through online mode. The SC/ST/
PwBD/ESM category candidates need not pay the registration fee. Fee once paid will not be
refunded under any circumstances. Candidates are therefore requested to verify their eligibility& correctness of information on Application Form before paying the application fee.
Rs. 600/- (Rupees Six Hundred Only) shall be payable by candidates belonging to General/EWS/
OBC(NCL) category through online mode.
No fees for SC/ST/PwBDs/Ex-Servicemen/Departmental candidates.
Registration fees shall not be refundable in any case.
7. What are the Educational Qualification of NHPC Junior Engineer Recruitment 2023NHPC Junior Engineer Recruitment 2023 ?
3 years FULL-TIME REGULAR Diploma/02 years of Lateral Entry in relevant branch of Engineering recognized by respective State Board of Technical Education/ Examination and /or State Departments/ Directorates of Technical Education and All the India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) with minimum of 65% marks for General/ EWS/ OBC (NCL) candidates and Pass Marks for SC/ST/PwBDs/Ex-Servicemen/Departmental candidates.
Higher technical qualification like B.Tech/B.E/B.Sc Engineering without the essential qualification .i.e full time regular diploma is not eligible/ not allowed
संबंधित राज्य तकनीकी शिक्षा बोर्ड / परीक्षा और / या राज्य विभागों / तकनीकी शिक्षा निदेशालयों और अखिल भारतीय तकनीकी शिक्षा परिषद (एआईसीटीई) द्वारा मान्यता प्राप्त इंजीनियरिंग की संबंधित शाखा में 3 साल का पूर्णकालिक नियमित डिप्लोमा / 02 साल का लेटरल एंट्री। सामान्य / ईडब्ल्यूएस / ओबीसी (एनसीएल) उम्मीदवारों के लिए न्यूनतम 65% अंक और एससी / एसटी / पीडब्ल्यूबीडी / भूतपूर्व सैनिक / विभागीय उम्मीदवारों के लिए उत्तीर्ण अंक।
आवश्यक योग्यता के बिना B.Tech/B.E/B.Sc इंजीनियरिंग जैसी उच्च तकनीकी योग्यता, यानी पूर्णकालिक नियमित डिप्लोमा पात्र नहीं है / अनुमति नहीं है
For Supervisor (IT) /S1/
Regular Graduate with DOEACC 'A' level course from Government /Government recognized Institutes with minimum 60%marks or equivalent grade. OR
Regular Graduate with DOEACC 'A' level course from Government /Government recognized Institutes with minimum 60% marks or equivalent grade. OR
Regular BCA / B.Sc. (Computer Science/IT) from Government/ Government recognized Institutes with minimum 60% marks or equivalent grade
For Supervisor (Survey) /S1/
03 years full time regular Diploma in Surveying / Survey Engineering from Government / Government recognized Institutes with minimum 60%marksorequivalentgrade.
For Sr. Accountant /S1/
Inter CA Pass or Inter CMA Pass
For Hindi Translator / W06
Master's degree from a recognized Indian university in Hindi with English as an elective subject at the Degree level or Master's Degree from a recognized Indian university in English with Hindi as an elective subject at the degree level. Pass candidates are eligible to apply
For Draftsman (Civil) / W04
Matriculation Pass and ITI in Draughtsman Civil Trade from NCVT with NTC/NAC.
For Draftsman (Elect./Mech.) / W04
Matriculation Pass and ITI in Draughtsman Mechanical/ Electrical Trade from NCVT with NTC/NAC.
Candidates are advised to refer to the notification before applying for the posts.
उम्मीदवारों को सलाह दी जाती है कि वे पदों के लिए आवेदन करने से पहले अधिसूचना देखें।
8. What are the Mode of selection NHPC Junior Engineer Recruitment 2023 ?
Computer Based Test (85% weightage) and Interaction/viva (15% weightage)
SELECTION PROCESS NHPC : The candidates registered online with NHPC and have filled all the requisite information in conformity with eligibility criteria shall be provisionally allowed to appear for Computer Based Online Test.
The Minimum Qualifying Marks in CBT for consideration of candidates in selection process: Gen./OBC/ EWS: 40% Marks
SC/ST/PwD : 35% Marks
Based on merit of Online Test, the final selected candidates will be given provisional “Offer of Appointment”.
9. How many post of NHPC Junior Engineer Recruitment 2023 ?
THDC= 181
10. What is the official website to apply for NHPC Junior Engineer Recruitment 2023 ?
11. When will the Exam held of NHPC Junior Engineer Recruitment 2023 ?
12. THDC Junior Engineer Recruitment 2023 : Follow these steps to apply online
STEP 1-Visit to www.thdc.co.in and apply through online application portal available in “New Opening” with us. A candidate must possess valid email ID and mobile number which shall be active throughout the process as required for any further notification.
STEP 2- Read all instructions carefully and ensure your eligibility criteria before applying.
STEP 3- Kindly note that the drop-down option for applying for the post of Junior Engineer Trainee, for respective discipline shall be as follow:
Sl No. Post Name Post Name as per drop-down menu in online application portal
Post Code
1. Junior Engineer Trainee (Civil) Junior Engineer (Civil) 01
2. Junior Engineer Trainee (Electrical) Junior Engineer (Electrical) 02
3. Junior Engineer Trainee (Mechanical) Junior Engineer (Mechanical) 03
STEP 4-Fill in the online application form with relevant details and submit. After successful submission an application ID shall be generated by the system which shall be kept and used for further communication.
STEP 5- Scanned copies of following documents should be kept ready by the candidate before applying online registration for attachment:
a. Matriculation/secondary school certificate as proof of Date of Birth.
b. Complete set of marksheets/certificates of qualification.
c. Caste Certificate in format prescribed by Government of India. In case of OBC candidates the community certificate should have been issued within 6 months before date of application.
d. Disability certificate issued by Competent Authority (if applicable)
STEP 6- Upload latest photograph and signature as per the instructions given in online application portal.
STEP 7- Take out the print of registration form generated by the system in duplicate with Unique Application ID for future references.
13- NHPC Junior Engineer Recruitment 2023 : Follow these steps to apply online
STEP 1-Visit to http://www.nhpcindia.com/ and apply through online application portal available in “New Opening” with us. A candidate must possess valid email ID and mobile number which shall be active throughout the process as required for any further notification.
STEP 2- Read all instructions carefully and ensure your eligibility criteria before applying.
STEP 3-Fill in the online application form with relevant details and submit. After successful submission an application ID shall be generated by the system which shall be kept and used for further communication.
STEP 4- Scanned copies of following documents should be kept ready by the candidate before applying online registration for attachment:
a. Matriculation/secondary school certificate as proof of Date of Birth.
b. Complete set of marksheets/certificates of qualification.
c. Caste Certificate in format prescribed by Government of India. In case of OBC candidates the community certificate should have been issued within 6 months before date of application.
d. Disability certificate issued by Competent Authority (if applicable)
STEP 5- Upload latest photograph and signature as per the instructions given in online application portal.
STEP 6- Take out the print of registration form generated by the system in duplicate with Unique Application ID for future references.
14. NHPC Full Form
#NHPC - National Hydroelectric Power Corporation
राष्ट्रीय जल विद्युत निगम
#THDC - Tehri Hydro Development Corporation Limited
टिहरी हाइड्रो डेवलपमेंट कॉरपोरेशन लिमिटेड
NHPC/THDC Exam Centre
(i) For Candidates applying in THDC India Limited only: Dehradun, Haldwani, Haridwar, Roorkee, Agra, Aligarh, Greater Noida, Jhansi, Kanpur, Lucknow, Prayagraj & Varanasi .
(ii)For Candidates applying under BOTH (i.e THDC India Limited & NHPC Limited): Bengaluru, Chandigarh, Chennai, Delhi, Gangtok, Guwahati, Jammu, Kolkata, Mumbai, Ranchi in addition to the test
centres mentioned above at point (i).
THDC India Limited reserves the right to cancel or add any centre depending response of candidates for that
Test centre once allotted will not be changed under any circumstances and no request in this regard shall be
Admission to the test centres will be on production of e-Admit Card which is to be downloaded from
our website by the candidates and will not be sent via post/mail.