NIT Silchar Faculty Recruitment 2023
National Institute of Technology Silchar Assam is an Institute of National Importance under the ministry of education offering undergraduate (UG), postgraduate (PG), and doctoral programs in Engineering, Sciences and Management. The institute invites applications for faculty positions at the level of Professor (Level-14A), Associate Professor (Level-13A2), Assistant Professor: Grade-I (Level-12), Grade-II (Level-11), and Grade-II (Level-10) for various departments of the Institute from Indian nationals fulfilling eligibility criteria, possessing excellent academic records, commitment to quality teaching and research, anda propensity for institutional development.
1. What are the Name of post #NIT Recruitment 2023 ?
NIT Recruitment 2023
Associate Professors
Assistant Professors
2. What are the full form #UG ?
#UG - UnderGraduate
3. What are the full form #NIT ?
4. What are the Important Date of NIT Silchar Assistant Professor Recruitment 2023 ?
Online Apply Start Date: 17.06.2023
Online Apply Last Date: 27.07.2023 (23:59)
Last date of receiving hardcopy of application is 7th July 2023, 17:00
Interview DATE - Tentative
5. Who can apply for NIT Silchar Assistant Professor Recruitment 2023 ?
6. What are the Advertisement No. of NIT Silchar Assistant Professor Recruitment 2023 ?
Advt. No.- NITS/Dean(FW)/Faculty/Advt/01/2023
7. What are the Age Limit of NIT Silchar Assistant Professor Recruitment 2023 ?
Minimum : N/A Years
Maximum Age : N/A Years
Age Relaxation As per Recruitment Rules 2023.
8. What are the Application Fee of NIT Silchar Assistant Professor Recruitment 2023 ?
₹1100/- for General/OBC/EWS & All Candidate.
₹N/A/- for SC/ST/PH Candidate.
9. What are the Educational Qualification of NIT Silchar Assistant Professor Recruitment 2023 ?
For detailed eligibility criteria and required credit points for aforesaid posts, please refer to the following documents regarding recruitment rules for faculty of NITs appended to this notification. (Uploaded in institute website:
1. Schedule E of MoE (erstwhile MHRD) Notification dated July 2017 (see page No.13 to16)
2. MoE (erstwhile MHRD) Notification F.No.33-9/2011–TS.III dated 30th November 2017.
3 .MoE (erstwhile MHRD) Notification F. No. 35-5/2017-TS. III dated 27th October, 2020.
Candidates are advised to refer to the notification before applying for the posts.
उम्मीदवारों को सलाह दी जाती है कि वे पदों के लिए आवेदन करने से पहले अधिसूचना देखें।
10. What are the Mode of selection NIT Silchar Assistant Professor Recruitment 2023 ?
The selection will be based on shortlisting & interview.
11. How many post of NIT Silchar Assistant Professor Recruitment 2023 ?
12. What is the official website to apply for SBI RBO Recruitment 2023 ?
For details regarding the online Application Form, Educational Qualifications, Experience, other requirements and terms & conditions for these positions, please visit the Institute website
by speed/ registered posts to the Dean (FW), National Institute of Technology Silchar, P.O. REC Silchar – 788010, Dist. Cachar, Assam. The Envelope containing the application form must be superscribed as Advertisement No…………………………………............…………….. Dated ………………. Post Applied for …….....................………………………………………………… Department of…………………………………………………..Application Id. no………………………….
13. When will the Interview held of NIT Silchar Assistant Professor Recruitment 2023 ?
Candidates are advised to refer to the notification before applying for the posts.
उम्मीदवारों को सलाह दी जाती है कि वे पदों के लिए आवेदन करने से पहले अधिसूचना देखें।
NIT Silchar Faculty Recruitment 2023