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OIL Recruitment 2023 | Today Last Date || Oil India Limited Recruitment 2023

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SARKARI RESULT is the one-stop destination for upcoming OIL Recruitment 2023. Our mission is to provide the latest and most relevant information on Oil Recruitment 2023, so that aspirants can make informed decisions and plan accordingly.
We strive to provide an extensive range of resources to aspiring candidates, such as study material, mock tests, and preparation tips. Our team of experts is dedicated to helping you achieve success in your career path. With us, you’ll be fully prepared for the Oil Recruitment 2023!
Oil India Limited, OIL has invited applications from candidates to apply for Grade 3, Grade 5 and Grade 7 posts. Candidates who are interested to apply for the posts can apply online through the official site of OIL at The last date to apply for the posts is till April 25, 2023.

Oil India Limited, OIL ने ग्रेड 3, ग्रेड 5 और ग्रेड 7 पदों पर आवेदन करने के लिए उम्मीदवारों से आवेदन आमंत्रित किए हैं. उम्मीदवार जो पदों के लिए आवेदन करने के इच्छुक हैं, वे ओआईएल की आधिकारिक साइट के माध्यम से ऑनलाइन आवेदन कर सकते हैं। पदों पर आवेदन करने की अंतिम तिथि 25 अप्रैल, 2023 तक है।

What are the Name of post #OIL Recruitment 2023 ?

OIL Recruitment 2023

What are the full form #OIL ?

  • #OIL - Oil India Limited

  • ऑयल इंडिया लिमिटेड

What are the Important Date of OIL Recruitment 2023 ?


  • ONLINE APPLY LAST DATE- 25.04.2023 (23:59) Hrs

  • Exam Date DATE - Tentative

Who can apply for OIL Recruitment 2023 ?

1- Both Male & Female candidate.

What are the Advertisement No. of OIL Recruitment 2023 ?


What are the Age Limit of OIL Recruitment 2023 ?

UPTO 25.04.2023

Minimum: 18 years

Maximum: 30,32 & 33 years As per post


What are the Application Fee of OIL Recruitment 2023 ?

₹200/- for General/OBC for all others
₹0/- for SC/ST/PwD/Ex-SM candidates.

What are the Educational Qualification of OIL Recruitment 2023 ?

GRADE-III (PAY SCALE ₹ 26,600.00 – 90,000.00)


Post Code

Essential Qualification as on the crucial date i.e. 25/04/2023

No. of


1. PCM12023

Passed 10+2 with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics as the main subjects

from a Government Recognized Board.


2. MDL12023 Trade Certificate in Mechanic Diesel Trade from a Government Recognized

Institute. Must have passed Class 10 from a Government Recognized Board.


3. FTR12023 Trade Certificate in Fitter Trade from a Government Recognized Institute.

Must have passed Class 10 from a Government Recognized Board.


4. BLR12023 (i) Trade Certificate in the relevant course of 2 years duration from a

Government Recognized Institute. Must have passed Class 10 from a

Government Recognized Board.

(ii) Must possess valid and current 2

nd Class Boiler Attendant Certificate

issued by a Competent Authority.


5. WLD12023 Trade Certificate in Welder Trade from a Government Recognized Institute.

Must have passed Class 10 from a Government Recognized Board.


6. IMC12023 Trade Certificate in Instrument Mechanic Trade from a Government

Recognized Institute. Must have passed Class 10 from a Government

Recognized Board.


GRADE-V (PAY SCALE ₹ 32,000.00 – 1,27,000.00)


Post Code

Essential Qualification & Experience as on the crucial date i.e. 25/04/2023 No. of


7. TCL12023 (i) Passed B.Sc. with Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics from a

Government Recognized University/Board/Institute.

(ii) Must have minimum 03 (three) years post qualification work experience in

chemical activities-fields/lab in Oil & Gas/ Petrochemical Industry.


8. TBR12023 (i) Trade Certificate in the relevant course of 2 years duration from a

Government Recognized Institute. Must have passed Class 10 from a

Government Recognized Board.

(ii) Must possess valid and current 1st Class Boiler Attendant Certificate

issued by a Competent Authority.


9. NTR12023 (i) B.Sc. Nursing or Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing (PB-B.Sc.) from an Institute

recognized by Indian Nursing Council.

(ii) Must have professional experience of 02 (two) years after obtaining

registration from State Nursing Council.


GRADE-VII (PAY SCALE ₹ 37,500.00 – 1,45,000.00)


Post Code Essential Qualification & Experience as on the crucial date i.e. 25/04/2023 No. of


10. CIV12023 Passed 03 (three) years Diploma in Civil Engineering from a Government

Recognized University/Board/Institute. Must have passed Class 10 from a

Government Recognized Board.


11. MEC12023 Passed 03 (three) years Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from a

Government Recognized University/Board/Institute. Must have passed Class

10 from a Government Recognized Board.

Kindly note that apart from Diploma in Mechanical Engineering, other similar

Diploma of Mechanical Engineering with any prefix or suffix will not be considered.


12. INS12023 Passed 03 (three) years Diploma in Electronics & Telecommunication

Engineering or Diploma in Electronics & Communication Engineering or

Diploma in Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering or Diploma in

Instrumentation Engineering/Technology or Diploma in Instrumentation

and Control Engineering from a Government Recognized

University/Board/Institute. Must have passed Class 10 from a Government

Recognized Board.


  • Candidates are advised to refer to the notification before applying for the posts.

  • उम्मीदवारों को सलाह दी जाती है कि वे पदों के लिए आवेदन करने से पहले अधिसूचना देखें।

What are the Mode of selection OIL Recruitment 2023 ?

  1. Computer Based Test (CBT).

  • (A) English Language & General Knowledge/Awareness with some questions on Oil India Limited; 20%

  • (B) Reasoning, Arithmetic/Numerical & Mental Ability and 20%

  • (C) Relevant Technical Knowledge in the course curriculum depending on the trade. 60%

How many post of OIL Recruitment 2023?


  1. Grade 3: 134 posts

  2. Grade 5: 43 posts

  3. Grade 7: 10 posts

What is the official website to apply for OIL Recruitment 2023 ?

When will the Exam held of OIL Recruitment 2023 ?

Exam DATE - Tentative
How To Apply | OIL INDIA LIMITED Recruitment for Various Posts


  1. Click here to download the advertisement

  2. Click here to download the PDF file ‘How to Apply’.

  3. Candidates are advised to fill all the required fields in the registration form.

  4. Candidates are advised to refer to the above advertisement for the eligibility criteria viz. educational qualification, age limit etc. before filling up the application form.

  5. Format/Size for upload of documents/certificates/testimonials : PDF, Maximum 1 MB.

  6. Format/Size for upload of passport-sized photograph : JPG or PNG, Maximum 200 KB.

  7. Format/Size for upload of signature : JPG or PNG, Maximum 200 KB.

  8. After you click on the Submit button, you will be redirected to the preview application page.

  9. Candidates can check their application form/submission status by logging in with the credentials sent on their E-mail ID/Mobile No.

  10. Download and Retain a copy of online application form for future use.

  11. For any query or assistance candidates can contact the below Helpdesk Number or Email ID.

  12. Help Desk Number – 8866678549,8866678559 Help Desk Email -

NAME OF POST- Recruitment of workpersons for various permanent post(s) at OIL, Field Headquarters, Duliajan 2021

Advt No. - HRAQ/REC-WP-B/2021-25 dated 10/11/2021

Oil India Limited (OIL) invites applications from eligible candidates from its production and exploration areas in the districts of Dibrugarh, Tinsukia, Sivasagar and Charaideo in Assam and Changlang district in Arunachal Pradesh for recruitment of workpersons in following posts at OIL, Field Headquarters, Duliajan as per details given hereunder. In addition to the above, applications are also invited from eligible Diploma apprentice candidate(s) who have successfully undergone and completed apprenticeship training in the relevant discipline in Oil India Limited and possess Certificate of Proficiency issued by Board of Practical Training (BOPT), Eastern Region, Kolkata. The following posts will entail working in shifts involving arduous and hazardous nature of jobs in remote/far-flung OIL installations in the production and exploration areas of Assam and Arunachal Pradesh.

#OIL - Oil India Limited (OIL)

Minimum: 18 years
Maximum: 30 years

₹200/- for General/OBC & for all others.
₹0/- for SC/ST/EWS/PwBD/Ex-Servicemen candidates.


Computer Based Test (CBT).

English Language & General Knowledge /Awareness and Questions on Oil India Limited. - 20% 
Reasoning, Arithmetic/Numerical & Mental Ability  - 20% 
Domain or Relevant Technical Knowledge: Questions will be based on the qualification prescribed for the post and commensurate with the level of the post. - 60% 
1-  The Computer Based Test (CBT) will comprise of questions in the multiple-choice questions (MCQ) format. 
2- There will be no negative marking in the Computer Based Test (CBT). 
3- The Computer Based Test (CBT) will be bilingual i.e. English & Assamese. 
4- The total duration of the Computer Based Test (CBT) will be 02 (two) hours.


ONLINE START DATE- 10.11.2021 (07:00 Hrs)


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