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UPPSC Assistant Town Planner Syllabus 2023

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The syllabus for the UPPSC Assistant Town Planner exam could cover topics related to urban planning, development, and related areas. Here's a possible outline of the syllabus:

UPPSC Assistant Town Planner Syllabus 2023

UPPSC Assistant Town Planner Syllabus 2023

UPPSC Assistant Town Planner Syllabus 2023

ATP Pre Exam

  • Part-1

General Science

1- General Science (High School Standard)

2- History of India

3- Indian National Movement

4- Indian Polity, Economy & Culture

5- Indian Agriculture, Commerce & Trade

6- World Geography & Indian Geography & Natural resources of India

7- Current National and International Important events

8- Logic & Reasoning based on General Intelligence

9- Specific knowledge regarding Education, Culture, Agriculture, Industry Trade, Living & Social Traditions of Uttar Pradesh.

10- Elementary Mathematics up to 8th level:- Arithmetic, Algebra and Geometry.

11- Ecology and Environment.

UPPSC Assistant Town Planner Syllabus 2023

UPPSC Assistant Town Planner Syllabus 2023

2nd Questions Paper

  • Town & Country Planning

1. Site Planning & Development

Elements of Site Analysis, Site Development and Layouts, Principal Municipal Services and Networks.

2. Applied Geology

Earthquake, Selection of Site and Foundations, Ground Water.

3. Planning Theory

Urban Structure and Growth, Land use Planning, Types of Planning, Principles of Regional Planning, Regional Planning in India, Concept Formation and Perception of Space, Plan Preparation and Implementation Agencies, Process of Planning, Physical Planning,

4. Statistical and Quantitative Methods in Planning

Data Collection- Statistical data and methods, Collection of data and presentation, Sources of data, Questionnaire design, Surveys sampling, Sampling techniques. Time Series Analysis- Variation in time series, Probability Theory and Probability distribution, Correlation and Regression Analysis, Chi-Square Test and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

5. Planning Techniques

Planning Practice in India, Spatial Standards, Regional Survey, Plan Preparation Techniques, Utilities and Urban Service Planning - Water Supply System, Solid Waste Disposal, Storm Water System, Basic Concepts and Theories, Sanitation and Sewer Systems. GIS Mapping- Coordinate system, Geo referencing and geo-coding; GIS data processing (Digitization, topology and meta-data creation).

6. Design of Human Habitat

Social/cultural/ecological/ energy determinants of design; imageability of the city, Structure of urban spaces — location criteria of activities and urban uses; Urban Regeneration, rehabilitation, revitalization, reconstruction, and redevelopment concepts, interventions, processes, approaches methods and, tools.

7. Demography and Urbanization

Study of Population, Study of Demography, - Global and Indian Perspective of Urbanization, Settlement Systems, and Role of Urban Area, Policies, and Strategies for Directing Urbanization trends in India.

8. Traffic and Transportation

Evaluation of Urban Structures, Planning and Management of Transport System, Regional Transport Systems, Transport and Environment, Economic Evaluation and Transport Policies, Urbanization and Transport Problem, Traffic Management, Urban and Regional Road Design, Geometric Design of Roads and intersections, Surveys and Studies.

9. Housing and Community Planning

Housing as a Basic Human Necessity, Housing Standards, Planning and Design of Housing Areas, Housing and Development Finance Policies.

10. Settlement Geography

Introduction to Settlement Geography, Classification of Settlements, Rural Settlements, Urban Settlements.

11. Economics & Development Planning

Developed, Developing and Under-developed Economies, Classical Theories of Development, Modern Theories of Development, Models of Development, Issues in Growth and Development. Development Finance - State and Municipal Finance, Funding & Financing Institutions at National and Global Level, Financing Mechanism.

12. Rural and Resource Planning

Rural Planning: Concepts and Institutional Framework, Rural Planning in Relation to National and Regional Policies, Resource Planning Development and Management, Community Development, and Participation.

13. Urban Management

Legal Framework, Urban Management, Organizations Involved in Urban Management, institutional Coordination of Participation for development.

14. Professional Practice

Role of Professional institutions and Town Planners, Methods of Property Valuation, Understanding of Law, Planning Legislation, Professional Practice.

15. Planning Legislation

Concept of Law, Indian Constitution, Land Acquisition Act, Case Studies Related to Land Acquisition Act, Urban Development Law, Organisations for Plan Implementation, Rent Control and Environmental law.

16. City and Metropolitan Planning

Human Settlement Planning and Urban Development Programme , Urban Policies, City- Region Linkages, Urban Growth and System of Cities, Metro and Mega Cities: Problems and Issues.

17. Infrastructure Planning

Water Supply and Sanitation, Solid Waste Disposal and Management, Fire services and Electrification, Traffic and Transportation, Social Infrastructure.

18. Planning for Tourism

Introduction to Tourism, Tourism sectors, impacts of Planning, Tourism-Policies and Programme.

19. Urban Governance

Overview of Urban Governance, Urban Local Governance, Participatory Process in Urban Governance.

20. Politics and Planning

Interface between Politics and Planning, Energy planning and management, Plans, Policies and Strategies.

21. Planning for Regions

Concepts and Typology of Regions in India, and its planning, Future Regions.

22. Infrastructure Planning

Infrastructure Management and Planning Issues, Role, and functions of Infrastructure in a Region. Water, Sanitation, Solid Waste Management, Regional connectivity (Roads, Railways), Energy. Health, Education, SocioCultural and Recreational, Economic Infrastructure.

23. District Planning and Rural Development

District Planning, Rural Planning, and Development (Rural Area Planning, Rural Infrastructure Development) Changing Profile of the Rural areas of India, Inclusive Development, Participatory Planning Process.

24. Land Market and Management

Land Policy and Land Markets, Land supply Management Regulation in Land Markets, Land Utilization, Land Sharing & Management Techniques, Demand-side Management.

25. Poverty and Development

Understanding Poverty, Measures of poverty, Indicators of poverty Rural Poverty, Urban Poverty, Policies, and programs.

26. Environment and Development

Environment and Development, Environmental Risks, and Impact. Disaster Preparedness, Role of Institutions in Environment management, Disaster Mitigation Planning and resource management, Prevention and Mitigation.

27. Project Planning

Introduction, Project Appraisal (Technical, Financial, Economic, Social) Environmental Appraisal, Institutional Appraisal, Project Risk and Uncertainty, Methods of financing, Monitoring and Evaluation of projects & Practical Problem Solving .

28. Institutional Analysis and Governance

Planning Organisations, Decentralization of Powers, Participatory Governance, Network Governance.

29. Legal issues in Planning and Practice

Introduction, Concepts and Significance of Law, Indian Constitution and Evolution of Planning Legislation, Evolution of Planning Legislation, Policy, Acts and Laws, Significance of Land Development Control.

30. Resettlement and Rehabilitation

Land Development and Resettlement, Impact of Resettlement and Rehabilitation Plan, Rehabilitation, Public Participation as an important tool for R & R. Spatial Data Infrastructure ( ) - From Global to Local applications, application in Planning and Decision Support.

31. Politics and Public Policy

Public Policy Analysis, Public Policy and Management in the Information Age, Public Policy- Politics of Provisions, State as a manager of resources, Strategic Policy Planning

32. Urban heritage conservation Regional

Introduction to Urban Heritage Typology/ classification, inventories, mapping, Human habitation in historical context. Heritage Conservation, Natural heritage conservation typologies, policies for conservation, regulatory measures, community participation; Concept of Historic Urban Landscapes; Built heritage conservation determinants of built form on heritage.


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