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Which of the following has become the first state to launch night navigation app in rivers?

Writer's picture: SarkariResultSarkariResult

Which of the following has become the first state to launch night navigation app in rivers?

निम्नलिखित में से कौन नदियों में नाइट नेविगेशन ऐप लॉन्च करने वाला पहला राज्य बन गया है? ]

1- Assam / असम

2- Bihar / बिहार

3- Uttarakhand / उत्तराखण्ड

4- Uttar Pradesh / उत्तर प्रदेश

⭕️⭕️👉SarkariResult नौकरी सदस्यता अभियान 👈⭕️⭕️ #SarkariResult की सदस्यता (#membership) लेने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें |


Which of the following has become the first state to launch night navigation app in rivers?

1- Assam

2- Bihar

3- Uttarakhand

4- Uttar Pradesh



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