RSMSSB ANM Syllabus 2023
The syllabus for RSMSSB ANM (Auxiliary Nurse Midwifery) exam in 2023 may cover the following topics:
1. Anatomy and Physiology: Human body structure and functions, organs and systems.
2. Microbiology: Basic concepts of microbiology, common infections, and their prevention.
3. Psychology: Introduction to psychology, mental health, behavior, and personality.
4. Fundamentals of Nursing: Nursing concepts, principles, and practices, hygiene, vital signs, patient care, and first aid.
5. Medical-Surgical Nursing: Common diseases, medications, surgical procedures, and post-operative care.
6. Obstetrics and Gynecology: Maternal and child health, pregnancy care, childbirth, family planning, and related topics.
7. Pediatric Nursing: Nursing care for infants, children, growth and development, immunization, and common pediatric disorders.
8. Community Health Nursing: Health promotion, community health assessment, environmental health, and disease prevention.
9. Nutrition: Basics of nutrition, balanced diet, nutritional requirements, and therapeutic diets.
10. Midwifery: Care during pregnancy, labor, postpartum period, neonatal care, and complications.
11. Professional Ethics and Legal Aspects: Nursing ethics, code of conduct, legal responsibilities, and patient rights.
Please note that this is a general outline of the syllabus, and the RSMSSB may provide a detailed syllabus in the official notification or examination guidelines. It is recommended to refer to the official RSMSSB ANM recruitment notification or syllabus document for the most accurate and updated information.
RSMSSB GNM Syllabus 2023
The syllabus for RSMSSB GNM (General Nursing and Midwifery) exam in 2023 may include the following subjects and topics:
1. Anatomy and Physiology: Human body structure, organs, and their functions.
2. Microbiology: Basic concepts of microbiology, common infections, and preventive measures.
3. Psychology: Introduction to psychology, mental health, behavior, and personality.
4. Fundamentals of Nursing: Nursing concepts, principles, and practices, hygiene, vital signs, patient care, and first aid.
5. Medical-Surgical Nursing: Common diseases, medications, surgical procedures, and post-operative care.
6. Obstetrics and Gynecology: Maternal and child health, pregnancy care, childbirth, family planning, and related topics.
7. Pediatric Nursing: Nursing care for infants, children, growth and development, immunization, and common pediatric disorders.
8. Community Health Nursing: Health promotion, community health assessment, environmental health, and disease prevention.
9. Nutrition: Basics of nutrition, balanced diet, nutritional requirements, and therapeutic diets.
10. Mental Health Nursing: Mental health concepts, psychiatric disorders, therapeutic interventions, and mental health promotion.
11. Nursing Research and Statistics: Introduction to research, research process, data collection, and interpretation.
12. Professional Ethics and Legal Aspects: Nursing ethics, code of conduct, legal responsibilities, and patient rights.
Please note that the above topics are a general representation, and the RSMSSB may provide a detailed syllabus for the GNM exam in the official notification or examination guidelines. It is recommended to refer to the official RSMSSB GNM recruitment notification or syllabus document for the precise and updated syllabus information.